Friday, August 29, 2008

Ready for some football.

Well, Evie's probably not as excited as I am, but we just had to dress her up to show some school spirit. I mean if you can't dress up your kid in ridiculous poses and outfits, what are they good for? (I'm still scarred from a certain photo shoot as a baby where I'm asleep holding a toy phone - it's bad)

A few notes on these pictures:

1. I really had nothing to do with these. It was all Jill - really.
2. We're establishing some good rooting interests early on. I'm going to try and divest poor Evelyn of my well established Philly team roots. No child deserves that much pain (I'm talking to you Phillies...way to blow it against the Cubs last night. Really solid.)
3. She's welcome to root for her dad's alma mater, but we'd like her to aspire to her mother's educational institutions - assuming that she can find a way to pay for it.
4. The pictures are pretty darn cute. Thanks to the Gibsons for the Gator pillow/blanket - especially given their Buckeye backgrounds.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

10 Weeks is Serious and Silly

Evie is not quite sitting up by herself, but she's getting close. She loves the camera so far and is quick with a smile.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 Weeks is Adorable

Time is flying by! Evie is smiling more each day...if only she was sleeping more each night:)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chuckles From an 8-Week Old

Evie has started to full on chuckle and laugh on end while she's fed and happy. We sit and make each other laugh all day. Each stage gets more fun!

The Other Faces of Evelyn

Sometimes pictures with smiles are just too perfect, so I uploaded these 2 to show even unhappy faces are pretty darn cute.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bath Time- Rated R

Evie discovered she likes bath time and getting clean isn't so scary after all. Notice that her hair doesn't take long to's disappearing. She's been called a boy twice this week. Come on people- would I dress a boy in pink?! Excuse this rated R picture, but it is proof she is really a girl! Some day she'll be mortified that I posted this on the internet.

Watch Out Boys

Evelyn has started to smile and flirt. Did I say watch out boys? You better believe it since Greg is going to keep her locked up until she's 30.