Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Slippery Slope to One Year

Evie has changed so much in the last few weeks since turning 10 months old. She knows how to fake fuss (awesome!), win a staring contest (by giggling) and even sleep sitting up....no joke. Her window for motivational crawling seems to have passed as her desire to sit up trumps comfort and far away things. Hopefully before we sell our house, she'll be able to explore it on all fours or two. But for now, everything is an object to pull up on...as soon as Bear stays put long enough he'll be the next target.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Quick Update

We're busy. Nothing new there. House is for sale. Evelyn is still not very interested in crawling, but has become an expert at sitting up and pulling up. Perhaps she's thinking about going straight to walking. Time will tell.

Short of a longer update - enjoy a few pictures...