Monday, November 30, 2009

Hat Silliness

After chasing Evie around with a Santa Hat to stage a holiday picture, she decided she did like hats, but not the hats we wanted her to wear.

Little Girl Smile

Our baby is not a baby anymore, even though her lack of hair would suggest that she's much younger. That sweet face belongs to a little girl who's almost 1 1/2 years old. We can hardly believe it.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Our little cheetah has been sick, but that didn't stop her from enjoying a little neighborhood Halloween party.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stairway to Dolly

Stairs are the newest playstation, but somehow Greg and I have managed to keep her from climbing them. She goes to the bottom of the stairs and plays for a while until she talks one of us into going upstairs to "visit" her Dolly. It's hard to refuse that face when it wants anything...

Football Fun

Evie has been walking for a while. Her lack of hair (except the mullet) keeps people calling her a boy, but I'm sure this football jersey doesn't help either.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Playing in the sand

Evie went to the beach in Merritt Island when she was six months old, but this time at almost 15 months she truly appreciated all it had to offer. Thanks to Aunt Gale and Stimmler family for such great memories!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Kiss a Little Soon...

We knew one-year olds were more advanced, but we had no idea this would happen when Evie's friend Ben came over. Notice the subtle way she grabs his face and they both close their eyes. It's a made-for-TV-movie-kiss.

Giggle Box

Evie is 13 months old now, and one of her favorite things to do is giggle- it's hard not to smile watching this one.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dancin' Fool

Jill's musical influence is finally kicking in. Unfortunately, my dancing style seems to have stricken the poor child.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Slippery Slope to One Year

Evie has changed so much in the last few weeks since turning 10 months old. She knows how to fake fuss (awesome!), win a staring contest (by giggling) and even sleep sitting joke. Her window for motivational crawling seems to have passed as her desire to sit up trumps comfort and far away things. Hopefully before we sell our house, she'll be able to explore it on all fours or two. But for now, everything is an object to pull up soon as Bear stays put long enough he'll be the next target.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Quick Update

We're busy. Nothing new there. House is for sale. Evelyn is still not very interested in crawling, but has become an expert at sitting up and pulling up. Perhaps she's thinking about going straight to walking. Time will tell.

Short of a longer update - enjoy a few pictures...

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's been so long that Evelyn is driving.

Updates have been slow to appear lately. Apologies. Life interferes.

Evie's doing well got two front teeth and is finally interested in the idea that she doesn't have to just remain in one place all day long. Crawling is on the horizon - probably a little while to go though.

9-months old on Thursday - on one hand i can't believe that it's gone by this fast, on the other hand it sure feels like she's been part of our life forever.

A video for now and hopefully some pictures to follow.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our Little Valentine

Our little Valentine posed for a pic right after she ate dinner tonight. Don't worry, she isn't this neat of an eater, I cleaned all of the carrots off her face first. She is a Hare and loves her carrots.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is that a cow or a duck?

I'm not sure either - probably not the best practice to give weird hybrid animals to a developing child. Bathtime is still super fun for Evelyn even though she's about outgrown her baby tub.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sittin' Pretty

Evie can finally sit all by herself. She can be entertained just by placing several toys around her on the floor. She grabs one, chews it, and puts it back to go for another. Kind of like our other baby, Bear.

A Sink Full of Fun

Playing in the sink seemed like a great way to entertain Evie....until my little smartie pants figured out how to turn on the water.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

7 Months Old

While we can (and can't) believe that Evie is seven months old, time is flying by. She loves the camera- I snapped this one wile she was playing. She stopped what she was doing to pose, and I'm amazed that she has any idea what a camera is enough to stop and smile. I'm sure you can tell there still isn't much hair to speak of and she's not growing leaps and bounds in height....but oh, those cheeks....they do seem to be getting bigger.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Food is Fabulous

Baby Evie is getting bigger (too big, actually as we had to delay the introduction of solid foods until now). However, since it's a new year, it's time for some new excitement in her life, thus - RICE CEREAL!

She seems to have taken a liking to the white, pasty stuff. Nothing too messy yet, but we're excited for things to come. Note Evie's ability to ham it up for the camera as well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

There's a First for Everything

Greg and I got lots of great things for Christmas this year, but the best present of all was getting to share the first holiday season with Evelyn. She accomplished a lot in December, checking quite a few things off her to-do list: first trip to Florida, first Christmas, first trip to the beach, first boat ride and many more. All in all, she continues to be a lovable and easy going baby who keeps us laughing long after she goes to bed for the night.

Look at her face with Santa... she seems to know that she's humoring us.