Friday, October 31, 2008

4 Months Old

I can't believe how time is flying. In the time it has taken me to upload this picture on the blog, she's already four and a half months old! This picture totally captures what a pretty little princess she is.

Bath Time

Evie loves bath time so much that she cracks herself up when it's time to get naked. It's one of my favorite times of the day- totally makes me giggle with her.

Boca Babe

I have no idea where this track suit came from, but since Greg and I love to dress her up in silly things, we couldn't resit staging this photo. Doesn't she look ready to go play shuffle board in Boca? Good thing she thought it was as funny as we did.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Two Silliest Hares in Action

Baby No-Hare

Little Evie is losing her hair but not her sense of humor. She continues to crack us up as she approaches 16 weeks.