Sunday, January 25, 2009

7 Months Old

While we can (and can't) believe that Evie is seven months old, time is flying by. She loves the camera- I snapped this one wile she was playing. She stopped what she was doing to pose, and I'm amazed that she has any idea what a camera is enough to stop and smile. I'm sure you can tell there still isn't much hair to speak of and she's not growing leaps and bounds in height....but oh, those cheeks....they do seem to be getting bigger.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Food is Fabulous

Baby Evie is getting bigger (too big, actually as we had to delay the introduction of solid foods until now). However, since it's a new year, it's time for some new excitement in her life, thus - RICE CEREAL!

She seems to have taken a liking to the white, pasty stuff. Nothing too messy yet, but we're excited for things to come. Note Evie's ability to ham it up for the camera as well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

There's a First for Everything

Greg and I got lots of great things for Christmas this year, but the best present of all was getting to share the first holiday season with Evelyn. She accomplished a lot in December, checking quite a few things off her to-do list: first trip to Florida, first Christmas, first trip to the beach, first boat ride and many more. All in all, she continues to be a lovable and easy going baby who keeps us laughing long after she goes to bed for the night.

Look at her face with Santa... she seems to know that she's humoring us.